Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 2 - Why Blog?

Boulder, Colorado

Discovery Exercise:
Create a blog post discussing how comfortable are you sharing online?
Previously, books were the only voice of the written word. These words came from a fellowship of authors, who had stories to tell and wisdom to pass along. However, we are no longer bound by the binding of paper and ink, or by a fellowship wordsmiths. A blog allows words to travel to unknown people and places. We each have our own stories and wisdom to share. The question is who will read it?

I am new to the world of blogs. I am creating this blog as work assignment. It is my understanding that some blogs are kept private, but this one will be posted for the world to see. I plan to complete this project, have fun when I can, and learn something new along the way. I may not always follow the given path but I hope that my solutions are creative. Also, I plan to add quotes that inspire me.

Men see things as they are and say why... I dream of things that never were and say why not. George Bernard Shawe

ihcpl work assignment: http://ihcpl.blogspot.com/

Note: Cactus photograph shared by family member.

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